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Who Is Socrates?
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Roll your mouse over the image for guiding principles of the Peaceful Warrior’s Way
One doesn’t need to become a peaceful warrior. By virtue of living here, on planet Earth, each and every one of us is a peaceful warrior in training — to the degree that we strive to live with a more peaceful heart… but also recognize that there are times we need to live with a warrior spirit.
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Tweets by @pwdanPlease note, to avoid confusion or exploitation — while another website or Facebook page may use the trademarked term peacefulwarrior or peaceful warriors, Dan Millman is associated only with this www.peacefulwarrior.com site. He does not endorse or have responsibility for the content or messages of any other websites or Facebook pages. Dan Millman’s official Facebook fan page is: facebook.com/officialpeacefulwarrior/
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