Dan Millman presents The Peaceful Warrior's Way

2023 Peaceful Warrior Newsletter Archive: The School of Life

If you can embrace the notion that Planet Earth is a school for souls, and daily life is our classroom, we’ll spend 2023 touching upon twelve courses we need to take in order to become fully human. These twelve arenas of life, beginning with self-worth, give full scope and meaning to the terms personal growth or personal development.

January 2023  Discover Your Worth
February 2023  Reclaim Your Will
March 2023   Energizing Your Body
April 2023  Manage Your Money
May 2023   Taming the Mind
June 2023   Trust Your Intuition
July 2023  Accept Your Emotions
August 2023  Face Your Fears
September 2023  Illuminate Your Shadow
October 2023  Embrace Your Sexuality
November 2023   Awaken Your Heart
December 2023   Serve Your World